RL Dumpster, Arnhem, Netherlands


CBK Gelderland, Arnhem, Netherlands as part of: 
AVECOM, It’s all in the game…

Oct 3rd -Oct 26th 2008
dump managed by: Terry van Gurp and Rosell Heijmen

RL Dumpster installations in galleries and museum spaces were an extension of our online project “Second Life Dumpster.” We used these public dumpsters to learn more about the relationship between and object based art production and consumerism, ideas of “market value,” actual strategies of object recycling and creating a participatory public sculpture. For the installment of these dumps we sent curators and museum staff a set of general guidelines that laid out how to assemble a RL Dumpster in their exhibition spaces. The guidelines were shaped by our experience of having maintained a virtual public dumpster for one year in Second Life, and mainly concerned the collection (source from as many people as possible,) the kind (clean, colorful consumer objects and glossy packaging) and installment (try to ignore the notion of gravity and weight) of trash objects. As a reference, the installations also included video clips that showed the process of virtually decaying objects on the SL Dumpster. To get feedback on the process we invited RL Dump Managers to send us a dump report.

Dumpster Report

on 11/7/2008 Rosell Heijmen wrote:

Somehow it was much more difficult than I expected to make a good-looking pile. Terry and me looked at the examples you send us in the PDF file and the esthetics and ‘feel’of the objects in the dumpster. Mostly the objects we took were from our homes and found in the CBKG.
A few objects where bought or in use like the coat hanger, the latter will be used again, now the peope working at the office can hang their coats again. In SL things are very clean, and we looked for this quality in the things we used. It was a bit difficult building the pile because of gravity, we used transparent tape and nylon cords to pile them.
Sadly nothing decayed, but it was very nice to see them in a decaying context on the i-macs. A few items where not used although they were in the SL dumpster, because the pile started to look very chaotic and random.