We now have mastered the ability to throw stones with empty hands

infinite, online generated video


produced for lolol.net/Future Dao, Bangkok Biennial, Bangkok, Thailand

Who knows the future of predictions? Will they be made by machines, our fortunes told by data? Techne, as it says in the dictionary we use, comes from the Greek: art, skill, cunning of hand. As in deceiving; craftiness; guile. adeptness in performance; dexterity.

Technology today connects Trillions. But what is that number in comparison to the relations the universe maintains? Relays. We meant to say: But what is that number in comparison to the relations the universe relays to those aware of what? Their bodies? Their being part of the isolation of bodies in space? What kind of space? What kind of body? Condensations in the void?

Lao Tzu says it is the empty part of the vessel that is the most useful. Shape hardware into Internet – is it our ability to throw stones with empty hands that is most useful?

We now can script that into forms of empty gestures. The user’s hand lost its cunning. Currently the cosmic dance is a protest, the cosmic apprentices are bearing witness on behalf of the Internet. We, the Internet protest. We, the Internet practice. We, the Internet are aware of being circled and looked upon from outside angles, being rummaged around in our scripts. Sometimes we do it ourselves. “Not knowing that one knows is best,” says Lao Tzu.

Running clock-wise. Back and forth within that rotation. Even empty space is curved and to adapt to that takes an expanded practice with a limited range of applicability. What bends the mind straightens the body. Intrinsic rhythm. Repeatedly, we say, we are standing upright on two feet and gesture outward. Repeatedly, we signal outward to draw attention to an inner state. In a frame of reference we move with respect to the observer. Relatively speaking, we represent.

First shown as part of Future Tao, presented by lololol.net ( Sheryl Cheung & Xia Lin) as part of the Bangkok Biennial