The ringing tower

2006, proposal

We were invited by FACT  (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology)  in Liverpool, England to propose a site-specific, interactive, socially-engaged, participatory artwork that worked with technology and with the remaining residents in a soon to be demolished high rise building in Liverpool. We proposed “Ringing Tower.” People concerned about the upcoming demolition of the tower could call a phone number and broadcast their voice messages over a powerful loudspeaker which would be installed on top of the roof of the building. While people would be leaving a message the lights in the already abandoned apartments of the tower would light up.

After two research visits where we met with the remaining residents, the administrators from FACT had many concerns about our proposal…and all of them boiled down to one question: “Can you guarantee that your project will be a successful?
“No,” we said. “How can we? It’s never been done before.”
“Give us a number. How many percent success rate?”
We refused to give a number.