ebiii Mayo

ebiii Mayo had left a strawberry christmas cake on Jan 9th 2007 without applying the decay script. The next day when we returned, we found ebiii standing next to the cake and explained what to do.
Below is a transcript of the conversation we had, the japanese text was translated into english via the Sl built in translation tool at the time of the dialog.

<hi #808000>[21:22] ebiii Mayo: hello!
[21:23] You: you made a fantastic cake!
[21:23] ebiii Mayo: thx!
[21:23] You: did you make it yourself?
[21:23] ebiii Mayo: yes [21:23] You: that's impressive
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: ありがとうございます
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: Thank you
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: あなたは、このSIMの住人ですか?
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: Are you this resident of SIM?
[21:24] You: i am one of them
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: よかった!
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: It was good!
[21:24] You: the idea here is that everyone can drop objects
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: すみません、じつはわからないことが
[21:24] ebiii Mayo: I am sorry, not understanding in fact
[21:25] AIB Control Tower: 0
[21:25] You: but you have to add the decay script to it
[21:25] fear of clowns: 0
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: あなたに質問してもいいですか?
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: May I question you?
[21:25] You: yes
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: そう、そのスクリプトの入手方法がわかりません
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: The acquisition method of the script is not known so.
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: どこにありますか?
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: Where is it?
[21:25] You: i'll give it to you
[21:25] ebiii Mayo: oh!
[21:25] You: or there are machines here
[21:26] ebiii Mayo accepted your inventory offer.
[21:26] ebiii Mayo: ありがとうございます!
[21:26] ebiii Mayo: Thank you!
[21:26] You: just drag it onto your objects
[21:26] ebiii Mayo: 私は理解しました。
[21:26] ebiii Mayo: I understood.
[21:26] ebiii Mayo: はい、このスクリプトを入れればいいのですね
[21:26] ebiii Mayo: Yes, is it a thing that what is necessary is just to put in this script?
[21:27] ebiii Mayo: できました
[21:27] ebiii Mayo: It was able to do.
[21:27] You: now you have to “touch it”
[21:28] ebiii Mayo: “touch”しました
[21:28] ebiii Mayo: It touch(ed).
[21:28] You: see it shows up
[21:29] ebiii Mayo: できた!
[21:29] ebiii Mayo: It was able to do!
[21:29] You: did you drag it on the red pedestal, too?
[21:29] ebiii Mayo: いいえ、動かしていません
[21:29] ebiii Mayo: No, it is not moving.
[21:29] You: you have to drag it on this one, too
[21:30] ebiii Mayo: こうですか?
[21:30] ebiii Mayo: Is it like this?
[21:30] Relder Waco: Tempo be back - got to go get something
[21:30] ebiii Mayo: oh
[21:30] You: yes it is all one, now I see
[21:30] You: great, it works
[21:30] ebiii Mayo: これで、私のケーキは腐敗していくのですね
[21:30] ebiii Mayo: Is my cake decomposed now?
[21:31] You: it slowly will like everything here
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: 素晴らしい!
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: It is wonderful!
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: 私はあなたのご親切に感謝します
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: I appreciate your kindness.
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: 私は日本人です。
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: I am a Japanese.
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: この場所が、ブログで紹介されていました
[21:31] ebiii Mayo: This place was introduced by ブログ.
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: 私は興味を持ち、夕べここを訪れました
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: I got interested and visited this an evening.
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: blog
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: でも、スクリプトの場所がわからず、悩んでいました
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: But the place of a script was not found but it worried.
[21:32] You: it is right behind you
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: 今日、あなたに会うことで、成功させることができました
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: It was able to be made successful by meeting you today.
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: 本当にありがとう
[21:32] ebiii Mayo: Thank you very much
[21:33] You: it looks like this object
[21:33] You: you click it and it will give you the script when I am not here
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: !.
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: これなのですね!
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: Is it this?
[21:33] You: yes
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: すみません、私は不注意でした
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: I am sorry, I was careless.
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: 私のすぐ後ろにありました
[21:33] ebiii Mayo: It was immediately behind me.
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: 私は恥ずかしいです
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: I am shameful.
[21:34] You: don't worry you did great and a wonderful cake
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: 私は英語がわからないのですが、このプロジェクトにとても興味をもちました
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: Although I did not find English, it got interested in this project very much.
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: はい、ありがとうございます。ケーキが腐敗するのが面白いと思うのです。
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: Yes, thank you. I think it interesting that a cake rots.
[21:34] You: me too
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: なので、ここに置いてみたかったのです。
[21:34] ebiii Mayo: since – it placed and extorted here
[21:35] ebiii Mayo: 嬉しい!
[21:35] ebiii Mayo: It is glad!
[21:35] You: what else can i say
[21:35] ebiii Mayo: 他に、ですか?
[21:35] ebiii Mayo: To ? others
[21:35] You: yes
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: ケーキの他に,何か置く物があるか、と聞いていますか?
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: Does he ask whether there is any thing which something places besides a cake?
[21:36] You: i don't understand
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: 下手な英会話でごめんなさい
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: I am sorry to be poor English conversation.
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: 私は,全ての疑問を解決しました
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: I solved all the questions.
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: 貴方のおかげです。
[21:36] ebiii Mayo: It is your favor.
[21:37] You: and an experiment
[21:37] ebiii Mayo: yes
[21:37] ebiii Mayo: 私は、日本の友人にこのことを伝えます
[21:37] ebiii Mayo: I tell a Japanese friend this.
[21:37] You: yes thank you
[21:37] ebiii Mayo: ユニークなプロジェクトを、日本の友人にも伝えます
[21:37] ebiii Mayo: A unique project is also told to a Japanese friend.
[21:38] You: so I am looking forward to seeing you here again
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: はい!ありがとうございました!
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: Yes! Thank you!
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: 他の場所を見学してきます。ごきげんよう
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: Other places are inspected. How are you?
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: but
[21:38] You: what do you mean?
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: ありがとう、またお会いしましょう。さようなら
[21:38] ebiii Mayo: Thank you, let's meet [ moreover, ] you. Good-bye
[21:38] You: yes
[21:39] ebiii Mayo: :-).
[21:39] You: =)

ebiii.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/15 21:12 (external edit)
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