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Enzi Raymaker

One evening we met Enzi on the dumpster. Enzi had been already there the day before leaving piles of objects.

<hi #808000>[19:08] You: hello [19:08] Enzi Raymaker: oh hello o.o
[19:09] You: I have seen you left a lot of objecs here
[19:09] Enzi Raymaker: yes i have a lot of junk
[19:09] You: great
[19:09] Enzi Raymaker: im using that decay script
[19:09] You: Thank you, that helps keeping the place under control
[19:10] Enzi Raymaker: yeah dont want to be a nuisance… but i really need to empty my trash can
[19:10] Enzi Raymaker: im over 30k objects on inventory x_x
[19:10] You: ohh that's crazy, just drop one after the other here, not all at once
[19:11] Enzi Raymaker: yeah that is what i try to do but i also have clustered objects DX
[19:11] You: I have noticed the one above, the pool table clusters
[19:12] Enzi Raymaker: oh no… i linked those so i only put the script on one object
[19:12] Enzi Raymaker: not sure how the decay script works
[19:12] You: Unfortunately that doesn't always work, we are still working on it
[19:12] You: it might have to do with some LSL and property limits
[19:13] Enzi Raymaker: sorry im multitasking @_@
[19:13] You: don't worry
[19:13] Enzi Raymaker: havent take a look at the script yet
[19:17] Enzi Raymaker: why are you a midget ??
[19:17] Enzi Raymaker: unless you are wearing prims and i dont see them sorry… random curiosity
[19:17] You: I just turned one when I opened one of the boxes someone had left here.
[19:18] You: It wasn't intentional
[19:18] Enzi Raymaker: oh
[19:20] You: you should drop the decay script on your tip jars, too
[19:20] Enzi Raymaker: yeah i thought i did
[19:20] You: that's fine, you are coming back it's more tricky with others who don't come back so often
[19:21] Enzi Raymaker: oh i see… laggy
[19:21] Enzi Raymaker: i closed the edit window b4 the decay script is updated there… or something like that
[19:21] You: it only decays during daytime
[19:22] Enzi Raymaker: oh nice o.o
[19:22] Enzi Raymaker: i have some ideas to make stuff while day time and night time… havent read any script about it
[19:31] Enzi Raymaker: well imma go now… might come back tomorrow see how that decay worked on the pool table and stuff
[19:31] Enzi Raymaker: see you around xD
[19:31] You: see you tomorrow

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